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应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映的英文

"应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映"怎么读


  • ying
  • "应"英文翻译    answer; respond to; echo
  • "英"英文翻译    flower
  • "盈"英文翻译    be full of; be filled with
  • "莹"英文翻译    jade-like stone
  • "萤"英文翻译    firefly; glowworm
  • "营"英文翻译    seek
  • "赢"英文翻译    win; beat
  • "影"英文翻译    shadow
  • "映"英文翻译    reflect; mirror; shine
  • "盈" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(充满) be full of; be filled with 热泪盈眶 one's eyes brimming with tears2.(多出来;多余) have a surplus ofⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 盈丰 ying feng
  • "莹" 英文翻译 :    [书面语]Ⅰ名词(光洁像玉的石头) jade-like stoneⅡ形容词(光亮透明) lustrous and transparent
  • "萤" 英文翻译 :    名词(萤火虫) firefly; glowworm
  • "映" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(因光线照射而显出物体的形象) reflect; mirror; shine 平静的湖水映出山的优美轮廓。 the still water of the lake mirrored the shapely figure of the mountain. 他的脸被炉火映得通红。 his cheeks shone red before the glowing oven. 沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。 the trees on the shore line were reflected in the clear water. 朝霞映在湖面上。 the glory of the dawn [morning] is mirrored on [in] the lake.2.(放映) project a movie 首映 first showing
  • "赢" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(胜) win; beat 我队以八比三赢了那场足球赛。 in the football game we won by 8 points to 3. 我们以十五比二的悬殊比分赢了第一局。 we won the first game by a lopsided score of 15 to 2. 我象棋下不赢他。 i can't beat him at chinese chess. 这场比赛谁赢了? who won the game?2.(获利) gain (profit)
  • "营" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(谋求) seek 营利 seek profits2.(经营; 管理) operate; run; manage 国营 state-operated; state-runⅡ名词1.(军队驻扎的地方) camp; barracks 安营 pitch a camp; 兵营 military camp2.(军队的编制单位) battalion 骑兵营 cavalry battalion3.(姓氏) a surname 营伯 ying bo
  • "应" 英文翻译 :    应动词1.(回答) answer; respond to; echo 一呼百应 hundreds respond to a single call; 山鸣谷应。 the valleys echo the sounds of the mountains.2.(满足要求) comply with; grant 为应广大读者需要 to meet the needs of the broad reading public; 以应急需 in order to fill an urgent need; 应中国政府的邀请 at the invitation of the chinese government; 有求必应 grant whatever is requested3.(顺应; 适应) suit; respond to 得心应手 be easy to handle and work with great efficiency4.(应付) deal with; cope with 从容应敌 meet the enemy calmly
  • "影" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(物体挡住光线后映出的形象) shadow 树影 shadow of a tree; 树投影于草地上。 the tree projects a shadow on the grass.2.(镜中、水面等反映出来的物体形象) reflection; image 倒影 inverted image; 湖光塔影 a lake with the reflection of a pagoda in it3.(模糊的形象或印象) trace; vague impression; sign 他早就忘得没影儿了。 he's clean forgotten it.4.(照片) photograph; picture 合影 group photo [picture]; 留影 have a photograph taken5.(电影) motion picture; film; movie 影星 film star6.(皮影戏) leather-silhouette showⅡ动词1.[方言] (隐藏) hide 兔子影在高高的草丛中。 the rabbit hid in the high grass.2.(描摹) depict
  • "投影(映)" 英文翻译 :    projection
  • "赢,打败" 英文翻译 :    win against
  • "英" 英文翻译 :    名词1.[书面语] (花) flower 落英缤纷 petals falling in riotous profusion2.(才能或智慧过人的人) hero; outstanding person 群英会 a gathering of heroes; a conference of outstanding workers3.(英国) britain 英帝国 the british empire4.(英语) english 汉译英 translate from chinese into english; 英译本 english translation5.(姓氏) a surname 英布 ying bu
  • "营,营气" 英文翻译 :    yingqi
  • "赢,输,死" 英文翻译 :    win lose or die
  • "白蛇 (影)" 英文翻译 :    the tale of the white serpent
  • "程司 (影)" 英文翻译 :    taxi driver
  • "俘 (影)" 英文翻译 :    merry christmas, mr. lawrence
应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映的英文翻译,应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映,应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映的英文意思,應 英 盈 瑩 螢 營 贏 影 映的英文应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映 meaning in English應 英 盈 瑩 螢 營 贏 影 映的英文应 英 盈 莹 萤 营 赢 影 映怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。